Reply to the public consultation on the draft revised market definition notice

  1. In the context of the public consultation launched on 8 November 2022 by the European
    Commission (the “Commission”), the Association des Avocats pratiquant le Droit de la
    Concurrence (Association of Lawyers Practicing Competition Law, hereinafter, the “APDC”)
    welcomes the opportunity to comment on the draft revised Notice on the definition of the
    relevant market for the purposes of Union competition law (the “Market Definition Notice”).
  2. In this context, the APDC presents the following observations, relating to each section of the
    Market Definition Notice1.
  3. Notwithstanding the comments and proposals detailed below, the APDC welcomes the fact that
    the Market Definition Notice has been supplemented with practical illustrations and references
    to case law and decision-making practice.