Contribution de l’APDC à la suite de la consultation publique lancée par la Commission sur la réforme du Règlement concentrations
January 13, 2017
The APDC wishes to inform the Commission that its responses to this questionnaire have been prepared by several of its members, namely: Robert Saint-Esteben, Emmanuel Reille, Marie de Drouâs, Sébastien Dominguez, Juliette Goyer, Jean-Julien Lemonnier, Charles-Henri Calla, Alexandre Glatz, David Tayar, Frédéric de Bure, Laëtitia Gavoty, Philippe Guibert.
IV.1 Simplification
In December 2013, the Commission adopted a package of measures aimed at simplifying procedures to the fullest extent possible without amending the Merger Regulation itself (the so called “Simplification Package”). In particular, the Simplification Package:
Widened the scope of application of the so-called simplified procedure for non-problematic cases; Streamlined and simplified the forms for notifying mergers to the Commission.
Through the Simplification Package, which entered into force on 1 January 2014, the number of cases dealt with under the simplified procedure has increased by 10 percentage points from an average of 59% over the period 2004-2013 to around 69% of all notified transactions over the period January 2014 to September 2016).